Monday, October 13, 2014

Dealing With Cat Aggression

As is the case with any animal - and humans - some cats can be aggressive by nature and this is something that can cause a problem for their owners. Cat aggression can often stem from the way that the cat was reared as a kitten and the environment that it was brought up in. Luckily it is relatively easy to read the physical signs of an angry cat. It is important that cat aggression is dealt with quickly as otherwise you could find yourself having to give up your pet, particularly if you have other pets or children in the household. This is an outcome that can be avoided though, as long as you know what warning signs to look for in advance.

Some of the signs

Cat Aggression
If it is not dealt with swiftly, aggressive behaviour can become a regular habit with some cats. Some of the signs of an angry cat include:

  •     Flattened ears
  •     Flicking tail, which is up in the air
  •     Eyes wide open
  •     Pupils dilated
  •     Hissing, growling, or spitting

How to stop him

One thing you should never do is to physically smack or even raise your hand in a threatening gesture towards your cat, as this will simply make him fearful and anxious. It could make the problem worse by making the cat even more aggressive.

Whilst there are medications that are designed to calm cats and reduce aggression it is important to look into treatments that will work on changing the cat's behaviour at the root rather than just doping him up with medication. This could involve a change in surroundings, and you could even use treats to reward good behaviour.

Providing your cat with tools on which to take out their instinctive aggression can be helpful - this means some toys that they can bite and chew, a scratching post to claw at, and even something along the lines of a cat activity centre to help them to burn off some energy.

Get him checked

If your cat's aggressive behaviour continues you may want to send him to the vet for a quick check up. Remember, ill health can cause even humans to become grumpy, bad tempered, and aggressive, so there may be some underlying problems, especially if the aggressive behaviour has come on pretty suddenly. A vet will be able to tell the symptoms of any possible illnesses and will tell you the steps you can take to treat your furry friend.

Do you want to learn more about Cat Aggression? Go here to learn all about the different types of Cat Behaviour.
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